Create a Wildly Profitable Digital business from anywhere in the world starting with NO experience or social media followers

This Works Even If You Have NO Expertise, NO Audience, And NO Tech Skills!

What you will learn:

  • How to launch a side hustle with no prior experience, leveraging automation to get paid MASSIVE commissions. 
  • ​How to leverage the skill set of digital marketing to achieve the flexibility to work from anywhere in the world. 
  • ​The proven blueprint of leveraging other people’s hard work so you don’t have to start your own business from scratch.

Is this free training right for you?

This training is perfect for you if...

  • You've grown frustrated with the monotony of the 9-5 and long for a better work-life equilibrium.
  • ​You have a burning desire to start your own business but lack the knowledge of where to start.
  • ​You're eager to break free from your current location and have the ability to work from anywhere in the world.
  • ​You’ve never been more ready to find a side hustle that actually works where you feel confident and supported throughout?
  • ​You’ve got a burning desire for more freedom and flexibility in your life and have a thirst for learning new things?
  • You're tired of being trapped in the corporate cycle and seeking financial independence through entrepreneurship.
  • ​You're done with exchanging time for money and looking for a scalable and profitable business model. 
  • ​You're ready to turn your passion into a successful and fulfilling business, but need guidance on how to do so.
  • ​You’ve invested in countless courses just to find you had no support and no idea what to do?
  • ​You're sick of missing out on spending time with the people you care about most because you're working so many hours at your day job?


Brodie Salnitro

Brodie is a highly successful entrepreneur with a passion for helping others achieve their business goals. He has developed a proven time-tested system teaching how to start a profitable online business from anywhere in the world.

With his extensive knowledge and experience, he's created a free training video to remove any confusion and guesswork from the process of getting started online. Reserve your spot now to start your journey to success!

  • From a broken home, homeless, and many failed attempts at success, to well over $2.5 Million in profits online. ​
  • ​Built his dream 4 Bedroom house by the sea. ​
  • ​Over 1329+ freedom seekers, travel lovers, families, and everyday people all over the world have created their very own online side hustle thanks to this training. ​
  • ​Spoken and inspired on stages all over the world sharing his personal story of redemption. 
  • ​​Brodie cares about the success of every single person he works with at a personal level. Your success is his success.

He just got sick and tired of all these so-called gurus charging tens of thousands for courses that didn’t work, were outdated and the people 'teaching' this stuff weren’t even living the laptop lifestyle themselves.

Read how other's lives have changed by Attending this on-demand training...

"This Online Empires Training Changed The Trajectory Of My Life."

What’s up guys, my name is Mitch Taafe young aussie, and I’m a hard worker who thought he would be stuck on the tools forever.

But Nope.

The number one thing you need when starting a business online in this era is, support, community and mentorship.

Online empires provides exactly that. From my day 1 at online empires I was shown the up most support I could have ever imagined. The community is so uplifting and every single member has each others back.

Without coming across the training you’re about to watch, and online empires a couple of years ago I would have no idea where my life would be today.

Guys, it’s time to make a change in your life! Jump out of your comfort zone, setup your future and never look back!

- Mitch Taafe

"Our Lives That We Now Live Used To Just Be A Daydream."

We have been a part of Online Empires since the very beginning, we have watched it grow and seen just how many lives have been changed by this one truly amazing program, including our own.

Prior to discovering this training we had previously spent 8 months building a business online with a zero success rate.

So joining OE we was looking for guidance on how to change that, along with support and guidance on how to make it happen.

OE was everything we were hoping for and more, Brodie and Ash gave us every bit of support and guidance we could have dreamt of, along with always ever evolving up-to date training.

This world can be a truly amazing place when your vision is supported. And that’s exactly what Online Empires brings.

We will forever be grateful for this amazing platform and what it’s done for us, from traveling Australia for 8 full months and leaving our stressful careers and we now get to spend every single day creating larger than life adventures with our two boys.


"This Training Is The First Step To Changing Your Life!"

Online Empires is so great because of how it’s run and the people it’s ran by. 

You guys have made it home, it’s a welcoming community for everyone regardless of where you live. Where as other online based communities you don’t have quite as much say or options - we’re all entrepreneurs here and our ideas + wants are heard.

You guys support us on so many levels to make our lives and being a business owner easier

Digital marketing = self evolution, simply put and we have everything somebody needs here for that, on the technical side and personal growth side

There is no reason to not do the trial!

We pay a lot of money for a lot of things that don’t do anything to make our lives better. If you want a better lifestyle, you owe it to yourself to use what we’ve created for you. And if you don’t want a better lifestyle, you won’t, it’s quite simple.

You’ve just got to do it, you know you want to, that’s why you’re thinking about!


"A Global, Supportive Community Of Like Minded Souls"

Online Empires is home for me.

When I found this training, I had no idea that I’d found a global, supportive community of like minded souls from different walks of life brought together by an incredible and lucrative online business.

I’ve gained back my time so I can spend it doing things I love with people I love. No more ‘I can’t’s, not this weekend, too much going on!’ I can finally say yes to all the things I couldn’t for years prior to this community.

I’ve learned skills that apply to every aspect of my life - my health, my wealth, my personal development. It’s a one stop shop!

The amount of effort and professionalism that is created in always updating and making this training platform the best is unreal - I can’t even put it into words because at the heart of this vibe and platform are people who want to share their success and help you achieve it - faster and better than they did!

Like HOW can it get better?!


are you Ready Are You Ready To Discover The Exact System Thousands Of People Are Using Worldwide To Escape The 9-5 And Truly Live The ‘Laptop Lifestyle’?

are you Ready Are You Ready To Discover The Exact System

Thousands Of People Are Using Worldwide To Escape The 9-5

And Truly Live The ‘Laptop Lifestyle’?

Click the button below to reserve your spot for this free training and discover the secrets to launching and growing a wildly successful business from anwhere!


Copyright © 2023 Online Empires. All rights reserved.

This site is not a part of the YouTube, Google or Facebook website; Google Inc or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by YouTube, Google or Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. YOUTUBE is a trademark of GOOGLE Inc.

In the nature of transparency and authenticity, we do make a special offer at the end only if you'd like help actually starting an social media business online. Is it required? Absolutely not. Will you receive value & insight even if you don't want proceed with us? 100% yes. Some people will take this training, implement it by themselves, and see breakthrough. Some people will see what's possible, and know that working together is just what they need to get results even faster. It's completely up to you but we hope that you'll at least participate in the free training, use it, and let us know what you think!

DISCLAIMER: Any sales figures and results discussed in this training are our personal results and in some cases the sales figures and results of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who watches “how to” information webinars get little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT ATTEND THIS TRAINING.